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[스크랩] Arctic Monkeys - Do I Wanna Know



          Arctic Monkeys - Do I Wanna Know Have you got color in your cheeks' Do you ever get the feeling that you can't shift the tide That sticks around like something's in your teeth And some aces up your sleeve I had no idea that you're in deep I dreamt about you near me every night this week How many secrets can you keep' 'Cause there's this tune I found that makes me think of you somehow When I play it on repeat Until I fall asleep Spilling drinks on my settee (Do I wanna know?) If this feeling flows both ways (Sad to see you go) Was sorta hoping that you'd stay (Baby we both know) That the nights were mainly made for saying things that you can't say tomorrow day Crawlin' back to you. Ever thought of calling when you've had a few? 'Cause I always do Maybe I'm too busy being yours to fall for somebody new Now I've thought it through Crawling back to you So have you got the guts? Been wondering if your heart's still open and if so I wanna know what time it shuts Simmer down and pucker up I'm sorry to interrupt it's just I'm constantly on the cusp of trying to kiss you I don't know if you feel the same as I do But we could be together, if you wanted to (Do I wanna know?) If this feeling flows both ways (Sad to see you go) Was sorta hoping that you'd stay (Baby we both know) That the nights were mainly made for saying things that you can't say tomorrow day Crawling back to you Ever thought of calling when you've had a few? (calling when you've had a few) 'Cause I always do ('cause I always do) Maybe I'm too busy being yours to fall for somebody new Now I've thought it through Crawling back to you, (do I wanna know?) If this feeling flows both ways (Sad to see you go) Was sorta hoping that you'd stay (Baby we both know) That the nights were mainly made for saying things that you can't say tomorrow day (Do I wanna know?) Too busy being yours to fall (Sad to see you go) Ever thought of calling darling? (Do I wanna know) Do you want me crawling back to you? 지금까지 발표한 5장의 모든 정규 앨범이 UK 앨범 차트 1위를 기록한 최연소 밴드 신화! 여전히 진보하고 있는 몬스터 밴드 “악틱 멍키스” NME 평점 만점! 어김없이 UK 차트 넘버원을 차지한 다섯 번째 정규 앨범 [AM] 독창성을 적절히 유지시켜내면서도 앨범마다 일정 컨셉에 따라 변화를 준 악틱 멍키스는 단 한번도 정체된 적이 없었다.이는 말처럼 쉬운 일이 아니다. 초기에 훌륭한 작품을 만들었지만 결국 성공을 이어나가지 못하는 밴드들은 정말로 많기 때문이다. 이렇게 이들은 새로운 악틱 멍키스를 확립시켜냈다. 어느 때보다도 관능적이며 또한 침착한 자신감을 느낄 수 있었다. 음악적 성숙과 절정의 창조력이 훌륭하게 결실을 맺은 작품이다. 필요 이상의 떠들썩함은 없고 오히려 그 편이 지금의 이들을 믿음직스럽게 만든다. 짧으면 짧다고 할 수 있는 8년 사이 셰필드 출신의 이 무서운 아이들은 품격을 지닌 록 밴드가 되었다. 외관상으로도 초기 해맑은 소년들의 모습은 이제 어디에도 없다. 더 나아가 이들은 자신들 뿐만 아니라 로큰롤 자체의 진화를 제시해내기에 이른다. 21세기에 접어든지 어느덧 10년이라는 세월이 흘렀다. 무엇이 남고 무엇이 사장되는지가 점차 명확해지고 있다.

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