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[스크랩] The Offspring - The Kids Aren`t Alright

            The Offspring - The Kids Aren't Alright

            When we were young,
            the future was so bright
            The old neighborhood was so alive
            And every kid on the whole damn street
            was gonna make it big and not be beat

            Now the neighborhood's cracked and torn
            The kids are grown up,
            but their lives are worn
            How can one little street swallow
            so many lives

            Chances thrown, Nothing's free
            Longing for what used to be
            Still it's hard, Hard to see
            Fragile lives, shattered dreams

            Jamie had a chance, well she really did
            Instead she dropped out
            and had a couple of kids
            Mark still lives at home
            cause he's got no job
            He just plays guitar
            and smokes a lot of pot
            Jay committed suicide
            Brandon OD'd and died
            What the hell is going on
            The cruelest dream, reality

            Chances thrown, Nothing's free
            Longing for what used to be
            Still it's hard, Hard to see
            Fragile lives, shattered dreams

            Chances thrown, Nothing's free
            Longing for what used to be
            Still it's hard, Hard to see
            Fragile lives, shattered dreams

            ‘Come Out and Play’에 무등 탄 특급 싱글 ‘Pretty Fly(for a White Guy)’ 영국 싱글 차트 1위에 오른 이 곡으로 오프스프링은 대한민국에서 그 해 가장 잘나가는 ‘팝(?) 뮤지션’으로 자리매김했다. 락앤롤, 그 중에서도 때론 ‘대중적’이라는 사실이 비판의 빌미가 되곤 하는 ‘펑크’ 앨범으로선 그야말로 이례적인 결과였던 것. 바야흐로 오프스프링의 ‘긍정적 과도기’가 시작되는 순간이라고 하는데 이후로는..

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