I love you
Because I need
I want you
To fill full my cavities
Please don't ever leave me
Till i grow tired of your (love)
I'm looking around
For someone to keep
My body and mind
Confined - contently
I'm up in the air
I really don't know where
And I kind of think
I'd like to come down (gently)
Hey you - over there
With the deep blue eyes
And the sunripened hair
With a head that can blow
Like a whistle high
And a mind that's as sharp
As a butchers knife
Won't you take me there?
Won't you take me there?
Won't you take me there?
So I can crush you to me madly
Smother you with kisses
And wildly proclaim my (love)
Hey you - over there
With the deep blue eyes
And the sunripened hair
With a head that can blow
Like a whistle high
And a mind that's as sharp
As a butchers knife
Won't you take me there?
Won't you take me there?
Won't you take me there?
So I can crush you to me madly
Smother you with kisses
And wildly proclaim my (love)
I love you
Because I need
I want you
To fill full my cavities
Please don't ever leave me
Till i grow tired of your (love).
사이키델릭..락 이라고 분류해야 할거같다.
워낙 오래된 노래라서 선곡하는데 망설여진다.
가사 찾기도그렇고..무엇보다 이들의 노래 표지 그림이 뭉크의
절규 그림이라서 호불호가 갈릴것 을 생각해 예쁜 여성분의 사진을
뚱쳐다가 광고성으로 올립니다.1969년 음악으로 기억이 가물가물.