Röyksopp & Robyn - Monument
Make a space
For my body.
Dig a hole.
Push the sides apart.
This is what
I'm controlling.
It's a moat
The inside that I carve.
This will be my monument
This will be a beacon when I'm gone
Gone, gone
When I'm gone
Gone, gone
When I'm gone
So that when the moment comes,
I can say I did it all with love
Love, love
All with love
Love, love
All with love
Make a cast
Of my body.
Pull back out,
So that I can see.
Let go of
How you knew me.
Let go of
What I used to be.
I will let this monument
Represent a moment of my life
Life, life
Of my life
Life, life
Of my life
I will let this monument
Represent a moment of my life
Life, life
Of my life
Life, life
Of my life
Make a cast
Of my body.
Pull back out,
So that I can see.
Let go of
How you knew me.
Let go of
What I used to be.
노르웨이의 일렉트로니카 그룹 Royksopp가 Creators Project에서
지원을 받아 공개한 Monument 뮤직비디오에서 발췌.
제목에서처럼 Robyn이라는 스웨덴 출신의 가수가 피쳐링을 담당하였습니다
