Tammie Shannon - I've Got Nothing To Say But If I Did
전중현2022. 9. 1. 07:40
Tammie Shannon - I've Got Nothing To Say But If I Did
I got nothing to say but if I did
it goes something like this:
I was doing fine
before I met you
you crooked time and
my little silver spoon
they fly into your hands
I became your fool
while you be-came Mr great
while I played by your rules
you had my heart wrapped around your fingers
I was so deeply enchanted
the devil wouldn't even touch me
and heaven wouldn't let me in
oh you were my God
they were jealous
you were the only thing I was worshiping
you did things just to upset me
you didn't think there was nothing I wouldn't do -
just to be with you
you were so cruel
with your king of crowns and your crowned jewel
you had my heart wrapped around your fingers
I was so deeply incanted
the devil wouldn't even touch me
and heaven wouldn't let me in
oh you were my God
they were jealous
you were the only thing I was worshiping
now the tables "huh" they are a turning
your in hell burning for all you did
now the devil he keeps calling
and heaven has me again
I got nothing to say but if I did it goes something like this...
테미는 어릴적부터 가정폭력으로 불운한 시절을 보냅니다.
정상적인 삶을 보낸적이 없는 태미는 교회가 은신처였고 삶의 출발처가 되어 주었죠.
성장하면서 교회에서 노래부르며 자연스럽게 노래와 가깝게 되고 그녀의 재능은
전설들과 비슷한 성장기를 가지게 됩니다.
결혼후의 삶도 녹록치 않아 남편 역시 마약과 알콜중독으로 가정폭력을 일삼아
그녀는 결혼,이혼을 반복합니다.
3번의 이혼은 세딸을 남겼고 그녀는 혼자서 딸들을 키우며 노래하기 시작하지만
성대결절로 절망의 나락으로 떨어집니다.
기도하고 또 노력해서 1년이 지난 어느 날 부터 목소리가 나오기 시작합니다.
그녀는 수없는 실수와 절망속에서 다시한번 날아오르려하죠.
만만찮은 세상을 향해.그녀가 부른 노래중에 한곡을 골라 듣습니다.