Blackberry Smoke - One Horse Town
In the time to tell where I come from
You grew up doing what your daddy does
And you don't ask questions you do it just because
You don't climb to high or dream too much
With a whole lot of work and a little bit of luck
You can wind up right back where your daddy was
This little bitty town it ain't nothing new
We all stick around 'cause they all tell us too
Swallow your pride just to make your family proud
If I didn't think that it would shut the whole place down
I'd ride my poney right out of this one horse town
Yeah this one horse town
I'm an old married man at the age of 23
Got 2 little boys on the baseball team
And that might be their only ticked out
All they got is a warn out fame
And a daddy that could've gone all the way
But I hang my sattle up and I settled down
This little bitty town it ain't nothing new
We all stick around 'cause they all tell us too
Swallow your pride just to make your family proud
If I didn't think that it would shut the whole place down
I'd ride my poney right out of this one horse town
Yeah this one horse town
Oh yeah
This little bitty town oh yeah it ain't nothing new
We all stick around 'cause they all tell us too
Swallow your pride just to keep your family proud
If I didn't think that it would shut the whole thing down
I'd sattle that one horse and ride it right out of this town...
The Whippoorwill (August 24, 2012 )
Blackberry Smoke
1. Six Ways To Sunday
2. Pretty Little Lie
3. Everybody Knows She's Mine
4. One Horse Town
5. Ain't Much Left Of Me
6. The Whippoorwill
7. Lucky Seven
8. Leave A Scar
9. Crimson Moon
10. Ain't Got The Blues
11. Sleeping Dogs
12. Shakin' Hands With The Holy Ghost
13. Up The Road.
블랙 베리 스모크 (Blackberry Smoke )는 미국 조지 아주 애틀랜타 (Atlanta, Georgia )의 미국 남부
록 / 컨트리 록 밴드입니다.
라인업은 Charlie Starr (리드 보컬, 기타), Richard Turner (베이스, 보컬), Brit Turner (드럼),
Paul Jackson (기타, 보컬) 및 Brandon Still (키보드)로 구성됩니다.