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[스크랩] Clutch - The Regulator

The Regulator - Clutch에 대한 이미지 검색결과

              Clutch - The Regulator I see that lantern trimmed low burning in our home And though I feel like crying, I swear tonight, I’ll cry no more How many times have I prayed That I would get lost along the way? Dream with the feathers of angels stuffed beneath your head The regulator’s swinging pendulum Dream with the feathers of angels stuffed beneath your head The regulator’s swinging pendulum Come with me and walk the longest mile Is his wallet leather? Is his wallet fat? For not a year later it’s got you lying on your back You should have closed your windows and got another dog You should have chained up all the doors and switched up all the locks And how many times have I prayed The angels would speed me away Dream with the feathers of angels stuffed beneath your head The regulator’s swinging pendulum Dream with the feathers of angels stuffed beneath your head The regulator’s swinging pendulum Come with me and walk the longest mile Come with me and walk the longest mile Come with me and walk the longest mile Come with me and walk the longest mile... Blast Tyrant (March 23, 2004 ) Clutch 1. Mercury 2. The Profits of Doom 3. The Mob Goes Wild 4. Cypress Grove 5. Promoter (of Earthbound Causes) 6. The Regulator 7. Worm Drink 8. Army of Bono 9. Spleen Merchant 10. (in the wake of) The Swollen Goat 11. Subtle Hustle 12. Eulogy for a Ghost 13. (notes from the trial of) La Curandera 15. WYSIWYG 16. Ghost 17. Weathermaker. Clutch 는 Maryland , Germantown에서 시작된 Frederick, Maryland 출신의 미국 록 밴드입니다. 4 명의 멤버는 Germantown의 고등학교에서 만났고 모든 앨범 / 투어에 대해 글쓰기 / 리허설을하는 Frederick 기반 밴드로 생각합니다. 1991 년에 설립 된 이래 밴드 라인업에는 Neil Fallon (보컬, 리듬 기타, 키보드), Tim Sult (리드 기타, 보컬 보컬), Dan Maines (베이스, 보컬 보컬), Jean -Paul Gaster (드럼 및 타악기). 현재까지 Clutch는 11 개의 스튜디오 앨범과 여러 희귀본 및 라이브 앨범을 발표했습니다. 2008 년부터 밴드는 자신의 음반사 인 Weathermaker와 계약을 맺었죠.

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