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[스크랩] The Cranberries - Íosa

The Cranberries - Iosa에 대한 이미지 검색결과

              The Cranberries - Íosa Bi, a iosa, im chroise i gcuimhne gach uair, Be, O Jesus, remembered in my heart every hour, Bi, a iosa, im chroise le haithri go luath BOJ, in my heart [something] soon Bi, a iosa, im chroise le cumann go buan BOJ, in my heart with [fellowship?] forever o, a iosa ‘Dhe dhilis, na scar? Thusa uaim. O, Jesus of God faithful, don’t separate yourself from me. Gan iosa mo smaointe ni thaithnionn liom fein, Without Jesus? in my thoughts, I’m not happy in myself Gan iosa mo scribhinn na foghar mo bheil, WJ in my writing, don’t [something] m ymouth Gan iosa mo ghniomhartha nil maith in san tsaol, WJ in my actions there’s no good in life o, a iosa ‘Dhe dhilis, bi romham is am dheidh. O Jesus of God faithful, be before and after me. Se iosa mo rise, mo chara ‘s mo ghra, Jesus is my king, my friend, my love Se iosa mo dhidean ar pheaca ‘s ar bhas, J is my shelter from sin and death J is my happiness, my mirror [something?] A’s, a iosa, ‘Dhe dhilis, na scar uaim go brath. Ah, and O Jesus of God faithful, don’t ever be apart from me. Bi, a iosa, go siorai im chroi is im bheal, Be O Jesus, eternally in my heart and in my? mouth Bi, a iosa, go siorai im thuigse mar an gceann’, BOJ, eternally in my understanding all the time Bi, a iosa, go siorai im mheabhair mar leann, BOJ, eternally in my mind as instruction o, a iiosa, ‘Dhe dhilis, na fag me liom fein. O Jesus of God faithful. don’t leave me by myself. Bi, a iosa, im chroise i gcuimhne gach uair, Be, O Jesus, remembered in my heart every hour, Bi, a iosa, im chroise le haithri go luath BOJ, in my heart [something] soon Bi, a iosa, im chroise le cumann go buan BOJ, in my heart with [fellowship?] forever o, a iosa ‘Dhe dhilis, na scar? Thusa uaim. O, Jesus of God faithful, don’t separate yourself from me. Gan iosa mo smaointe ni thaithnionn liom fein, Without Jesus? in my thoughts, I’m not happy in myself Gan iosa mo scribhinn na foghar mo bheil, WJ in my writing, don’t [something] m ymouth Gan iosa mo ghniomhartha nil maith in san tsaol, WJ in my actions there’s no good in life o, a iosa ‘Dhe dhilis, bi romham is am dheidh. O Jesus of God faithful, be before and after me. Se iosa mo rise, mo chara ‘s mo ghra, Jesus is my king, my friend, my love Se iosa mo dhidean ar pheaca ‘s ar bhas, J is my shelter from sin and death Se iosa mo aoibhneas, mo scathan? do ghnath, J is my happiness, my mirror [something?] A’s, a iosa, ‘Dhe dhilis, na scar uaim go brath. Ah, and O Jesus of God faithful, don’t ever be apart from me. Bi, a iosa, go siorai im chroi is im bheal, Be O Jesus, eternally in my heart and in my? mouth Bi, a iosa, go siorai im thuigse mar an gceann’, BOJ, eternally in my understanding all the time Bi, a iosa, go siorai im mheabhair mar leann, BOJ, eternally in my mind as instruction o, a iiosa, ‘Dhe dhilis, na fag me liom fein. 크랜베리 는 리드 싱어 Niall Quinn, 기타리스트 Noel Hogan ,베이스 밴드 Mike Hogan, 드러머 Fergal Lawler에 의해 Limerick 에서 1989 년에 형성된 아일랜드 록 밴드입니다. 퀸은 1990 년 Dolores O'Riordan 에 의해 리드 싱어로 대체 되었습니다. 밴드는 공식적으로 대안 록 그룹으로 분류되지만 인디 팝 , 포스트 펑크 , 아이랜드 민속 및 팝 록 을 사운드에 통합 시켰습니다. 그녀는 최근 녹음 세션을 위해 런던에 도착했고 모두들 아무일 없을거란 생각에 다음 일정을 조율 중 그녀는 2018 년 1 월 15 일 런던의 호텔 방에서 리드 싱어 Dolores O'Riordan이 익사 한 채 발견되었습니다. 그녀의 명복을 빌며 1993년 곡으로 듣습니다.

              The Cranberries - Iosa에 대한 이미지 검색결과

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