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블르스&재즈 2

[스크랩] Paul Hardcastle - Do You Remember

Paul Hardcastle - Do You Remember에 대한 이미지 검색결과

            Paul Hardcastle - Do You Remember Do you remember when we first met? I sure do. It was some time in early September You were lazy about it, you made me wait around I was so crazy about you I didn't mind I was late for class, I locked my bike to yours It wasn't hard to find ‒ you painted flowers on it I guess that I was afraid that if you rolled away You might not roll back my direction real soon. I was crazy about you then and now The craziest thing of all, Over ten years have gone by And you're still mine, We're locked in time Let's rewind Do you remember When we first moved in together? The piano took up the living room You'd play me boogie woogie, I played you love songs You'd say we're playing house, now you still say we are. We built our get away up in a tree we found. We felt so far away but we were still in town. Now I remember watching that old tree burn down I took a picture that I don't like to look at. Well, all these times they come and go And alone don't seem so long Over ten years have gone by We can't rewind, We're locked in time But you're still mine Do you remember? 1 Feel the Breeze 2 Forever Dreamin' 3 Driftin' Away 4 Lazy Days 5 Do It Again 6 Cruisin' to Midnight 7 Rainforest (original version) 8 Do You Remember 이 노래는 재즈 마스터에 담긴 노래입니다.원곡은 잭 존슨의 노래구요. 1957 년생이니 연식이 된 아티스트네요.영국에서 태어나 미국으로 진출 악기란 악기는 타악기.건반.등 못하는 악기가 없을정도로 다양한 이력을 가집니다.전문적인 앨범을 만든것은 82년 부터 시작했구요. 퍼스트 라이트 라는 듀오를 만들면서 첫발을 내딛고 출발하지만 두장을 발표하곤 헤어집니다.2곳의 스튜디오에서 6곡의 싱글을 발표하지요. 85 년엔 3장의 앨범을 .88년.이후 꾸준하게 카니발.등 라이브 무대에서 활동하는 재즈 뮤지션입니다.

            Paul Hardcastle - Do You Remember에 대한 이미지 검색결과

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