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[스크랩] Blues Saraceno - Carry Me Back Home

Blues Saraceno - Carry Me Back Home에 대한 이미지 검색결과

            Blues Saraceno - Carry Me Back Home Farewell my love We'll be together soon I'm resting with the angels They'll carry me to you Realize my dear We'll see each other soon We'll meet up in the heavens I'll wait alone for you Oh! I hear them say The angels are calling me back home Good night, my dear Bestill your worried heart Keep me in your prayers We'll never be apart! Take heed, sweet love You'll never be alone I'm watching from the heavens To keep you safe from harm Oh! I hear them say The angels call to me! And when their trumpets play The angels will carry me back home! Oh! I hear them say The angels call to me! And when their trumpets play The angels will carry me back home! 처음 이들의 음악을 들을때는 브르스인줄..듣고보니 컨트리 뮤직. 2013년 발표된 블르스 사라세노의 노래 골라봅니다.

            Blues Saraceno - Carry Me Back Home에 대한 이미지 검색결과

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