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[스크랩] Charles Aznavour & Sting - Love Is New Everyday

Charles Aznavour & Sting - Love Is New Everyday에 대한 이미지 검색결과

            Charles Aznavour & Sting - Love Is New Everyday Love is new everyday Love is different every day: Sometimes it's sad, sometimes gay Sometimes sad, sometimes joyful, Just like a newborn day Like a newborn day, Warmest sunshine that's flowing Sears merciless sun, Coolest chilly winds blowing Purged Chillwind And has no way of knowing And it remains incomprehensible. For love is new everyday For love is different every day. When it comes will it stay? whether it will remain, coming one day? Just like a newborn day Like a newborn day, With the summer rains falling Ball summer rains, hen it made a luck calling She called luck, That's how my heart keeps falling And my heart fell. For the games love can play For love knows how to play the game. Love is funny that way This strangeness of love. Love is new everyday Love is different every day, And can lead you astray And it can knock you astray. Just like a newborn day Like a newborn day, One love follows another One love after another, as you hope to discover Aslong as you understand silishsya: If there's a perfect lover Is there an ideal of love? Love is new everyday Love is different every day, You can not keep it at bay It can not be controlled. Just like a newborn day Like a newborn day, It's a story unending She - a never ending story, And there's no use pretending And it makes no sense to pretend, When your heart is depending When your heart is involved On the games love can play In the game, in which love plays. Love is funny that way 스팅과 러시아 가수 샤를 아즈나 부르가 듀오로 부른 곡입니다. 사랑은 내게 늘 새로운 고통과 기쁨을 준다는 내용.

            Charles Aznavour & Sting - Love Is New Everyday에 대한 이미지 검색결과

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