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[스크랩] Boney M - Bahama Mama

            Boney M - Bahama Mama Bahama, Bahama Mama Got the biggest house in town Bahama Mama Bahama, Bahama Mama But her trouble's getting down Bahama Mama She has six daughters And not one of them is married yet And she's looking high and low And none of them plays ever hard to get So if you're lonesome go there go Bahama, Bahama Mama You should all be looking for Bahama Mama Bahama, Bahama Mama And I'm sure you will adore Bahama Mama Bahama, Bahama Mama Got the biggest house in town Bahama Mama Bahama, Bahama Mama But her trouble's getting down Bahama Mama You'll meet her daughters They 'll be treatin' you to honeycake They'll be sweet and nice to you And maybe there is one you'd like to take Well then you'll know just what to do Bahama, Bahama Mama She is really in a fix Bahama Mama Bahama, Bahama Mama Being stuck with all them six Bahama Mama What's the matter with men today Six beautiful roses And nobody to pluck them It's a crying shame Bahama, Bahama Mama Got the biggest house in town Bahama Mama Bahama, Bahama Mama But her trouble's getting down Bahama Mama The thing is each of them looks Like a gorgeous moviequeen Every one a perfect find And if a man refused that temptin' scene He simply can't make up his mind Bahama, Bahama Mama Got the biggest house in town Bahama Mama Bahama, Bahama Mama But her trouble's getting down Bahama Mama 음악성이니..예술성..또는 철학을 논해서는 안되는 혼성밴드.. 처음엔 악기 연주도 하고 이벤트성 무대도 곧잘 꾸미더니 인기 얻고 노래뜨고..국내엔 물론 아시아 쪽이나 유럽쪽에서 인기가 먼저 상승. 결국 미국시장까지 상륙했지만 가벼운 팝이라서 그런지 미국시장에서 그다지 폭발적인 인기는 얻지 못했죠. 국내무대에서도 사랑받았던 보니엠..잘 아시는곡입니다.

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