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[스크랩] Witchcraft - Democracy Legendado

            Witchcraft - Democracy Legendado It’s not that i dont care or that i dont listen But my cynisim has sprung Out of a decline inner dominion Inside I die inside I run Twisted beauty and brief fascination Ugliness and decay Into this system we were born and we were humble Our rage has no trail Fuck your heroes Screw your gods Fuck your icons Deal with the real Your made up morals Your media ethics Fuck you all Degenerated politics 민주주의라는 마법...이들은 민주주의라는 틀안에 갇힌 인간을 정의하진 않지만 기존의 억압적인 인권을 말하네요. 데모크라쉬..민주주의는 인간에게 과연 적합한 제도일까? 하는 의구심을 심어줍니다.

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