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[스크랩] Robert Cray - Don`t Be Afraid Of The Dark

            Robert Cray - Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark Dead of the night baby We're finally alone I'll pull up the shades If you'll unplug the phone Put on some music Marvin Gaye's real nice Once we get settled I'll turn off the lights [Chorus:] Don't be afraid of the dark Don't be afraid of the dark I'll be there to hold you Don't be afraid of the dark It might be scary Til your eyes adjust Don't fear the shadows Me you can trust I'm at my best In a pitch black room Hold on tight baby You'll feel the power soon [Chorus] You might tremble You might shake Scream out loud Maybe even pray I know which moves Suit you right You'll beg for more You'll forget about the night [Chorus] 1 Don't Be Afraid of the Dark 2 Don't You Even Care? 3 Your Secret's Safe with Me 4 I Can't Go Home 5 Night Patrol 6 Acting This Way 7 Gotta Change the Rules 8 Across the Line 9 At Last 10 Laugh Out Loud 어둠을 두려워 말아요..첫곡부터 대중성을 사로잡은 로버트 그레이의 작품.

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