Lucky Peterson - Tin Pan Alloy
Come on Baby
To be tell me Tin Pan Alley
Roughest place in town
They start cuttin' and shootin'
soon as the sun goes down
Oh, shoot tell me baby
What kind of place can the alley be?
cause i every woman, I guess
shoot' the alley takes away from me
I heard a pistol shoot
Somebody groan groan groan
Some woman shot my baby
Left on that jokers arms
Oh, shoot tell me
What kind of place can the alley be?
Every woman, I guess
shoot' the alley takes away from me
Oh'tell me
What kind of place can the Alley be?
Every woman, I guess
Lord, the alley takes away from me
Some woman shot my baby
I heard a pistol shoot
When I need my baby
She can't be found
She got up early in the mornin'
She was ten pound alley bound
Oh, tell me
What kind of place can the Alley be?
Every woman, I guess
Lord, the alley takes away from me
I heard a pistol shoot
Somebody groan
Some woman shot my baby
Left on that jokers arms
Oh, tell me
What kind of place can What kind of the alley be
Every woman, I guess
What kind of place can the Alley the Alley the be
Oh, tell me
What kind of place can the Alley be
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